Learn From  The Best 

Tips from my interviews with Casey Neistat, MrBeast, and more.

It’s your YouTube cheat sheet.

Free when you join our newsletter.

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What’s inside our YouTube Playbooks:

Insider Tips & News for  Creators 

Our weekly newsletter makes you a better creator.

I started it after working inside YouTube and Instagram for 8 years.

Wait, There’s  More 

When you sign up, you’ll also get 20 special editions of our Sunday Comics.

It’s the 20 best tips from my interviews with MrBeast, MKBHD, and more.

Each with a cartoon we illustrated.

Who’s Behind  This? 

Hi, I’m Jon Youshaei 👋 I’m a full-time creator and journalist who worked at YouTube and Instagram.


Our emails will make you laugh, learn, or your money back (jk, it’s free)

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